


   The results indicate a good relationship between the LandSat 7 ETM+ data and the field measurements. The present experiment looked only at the relationship between LandSat 7 ETM+ data and the field measurements which have spatial and spectral limitations in time, there by reducing the chances of applying the model to other temporal coverages. The robustness of the model could be improved by applying it to multi temporal datasets of the same scene.

    Further research needs to focus on understanding the effects of water quality on optical and thermal properties of surface waters so that physically based models can be developed. Hyperspectral data from space platforms will allow us to discriminate between water quality parameters and to develop a better understanding of light/water/substance interactions.

   Such information should allow us to move away from empirical approaches now being used and develop algorithms that will allow us to use the full resolution of the electromagnetic spectrum to monitor water quality parameters. LandSat 7 ETM+ with 30 meter resolution and ease of obtaining data remains a viable solution for lake monitoring.

Introduction | Methodology | Results | Conclusions | References