SATELLITES Teacher Institute West Virginia University, July 28-Aug 1, 2008

What does the fire chief have in his black bag?  Mike Hedley wants to know.           

Fire Alarm Video

There were 7 fire alarms while we stayed in Stalnaker Hall at WVU.  You can view this video to see what it was like for us to be woken up at 2 am.

SATELLITES Videos taken from student and staff presentations.

Surface Temperature Investigation of Untilled and Conservation-Tilled Farm Fields.
This presentation was prepared by Kevin Czajkowski, Tim Ault, Terri Benko, and Takelia Bragg, University of Toledo.

Dr. Czajkowski's Surface Temperature presentation
Video taped by a 7 year old.

Video Clips from the GLOBE student presentations in Iowa from GLOBE1
(Click title for Download)
A Study of Climatographs

Orange County Elementary School Hummingbirds

The Effects of Body Temperature on Blacktop Surface Temperature

Snow Equivalents and Air Temperature

Comparing Surface Temperatures

Predicting Cloud Cover Using Daily Insolation Graphs

Land Cover Student Presentation


Webcast from NASA's Glenn Research in Cleveland, Ohio November 2002.

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. GEO-0222905.  Any opinions
findings and conclusions or recomendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the
views of the National Science Foundation (NSF)

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