Lake Erie Center Research Experience for Undergraduates Program

For more information, please refer to the REU webpage.

Below is a list of the students and faculty members broken down by each year.

To view these presentations you will need to install Quicktime from Apple go HERE

REU 2005

Student - Takelia Peterson

Advisor - Kevin Czajkowski

Project - Surface Temperature Protocol for GLOBE Student Observations

Student - Dianna Brandon

Advisor - Carol Stepien

Project - Population Genetic Patterns in North American versus European Zebra Mussel Populations

Student - Natalie Brown

Advisor - Kevin Czajkowski

Project - Introduction of Eddy Covariance Tower and Evapotranspiration

Student - Steven Choc

Advisor - Daryl Dwyer

Project - Towards Arsenic Phytoremediation: Screening of Native Plants Using a Hydroponic System

Student - Audrey Decker

Advisor - Daryl Dwyer

Project - The Fate of E. coli in Local Waters

Student - John Gordon

Advisor - Daryl Moorhead

Project - The Effects of Environmental Variables on Capture Rates of Two Aquatic Turtle Species

Student - Caroline Barrett

Advisor - Chris Mayer

Project - Effects of Dreissena and Native Bioturbators on Primary Productivity

Student - Kevin Prus

Advisor - Daryl Moorhead

Project - Growth Rates and Size Distribution of Chrysemys picta and Graptemy geographica

Student - Kristy Sabo

Advisor - Tom Bridgeman

Project - Cause of the Dead Zone in Western Lake Erie

Student - Damien Terry

Advisor - Von Sigler

Project - An opportunity to study bacterial source tracking in the Laboratory for Microbial Ecology at the University of Toledo

REU 2004

Watch the 2004 REU Student presentation video!

Student - Colin de Saint Victor

Advisor - Daryl Dwyer

Project - Locating sources of microbial pollution around Lake Erie's Beaches

Student - Jessie Henning

Advisor - Scott Heckathorn

Project - Investigating the relative importance of N, P, and C in affecting stress-protein production in freshwater algae

Student - Lauren Keinath

Advisor - Von Sigler

Project - Development of a rapid bacterial source tracking methodology focusing on community fingerprinting of water and sediment E. coli

Student - Astrid Rodriguez

Advisor - Kevin Czajkowski and Alison Spongberg

Project - Heavy Metals in Otter Creek

Student - Alycia G. Pittenger

Advisor - Alison Spongberg

Project - Soil Temperature Correlations

Student - Michelle Roy

Advisor - Kevin Czajkowski and Jim Coss

Project - Lucas County Land Cover

Student - Natalie Brown

Advisor - Kevin Czajkowski

Project - What is the Energy Budget? Why is it so important? What can we do to make it better?

Student - Carolyn Coehring

Advisor - Chris Mayer

Project - Benthic Invertebrates of Western Lake Erie

Student - Jen Talkington

Advisor - Daryl Moorhead

Project - Turtle Trapping: Trap Happy? Does size matter?

Student - Sarah Opfer

Advisor - Elliot Tramer

Project - The Effects of Farm Management on Herpetofaunal and Small Mammal Communities

Student - Takelia Peterson

Advisor - Kevin Czajkowski

Project - The effect of zebra mussel on bacterial community in different lakes

REU 2003 and Selected Power Point Presentations

Student - Brian Putman

Advisor - Elliot Tramer

Project - The Antenna-waving Wasp Tachyspex pechumani

Student - Lauren Keinath

Advisor - Daryl Dwyer

Project - A Brief Survey of the Surface Microbiological Communities at King Road Landfill and its Adjacent Floodplain

Student - Jona Scarbo

Advisors - Kevin Czajowski, Allison Spongberg, Daryl Dywer

Project - Maumee Bay E-coli Study

Student - Chris Gross

Advisor - Kevin Czajkowski

Project - Validating the MODIS snow product using student and National Weather Service ground observations

Student - Todd Kunsekman

Advisors - Kevin Czajkowski, Jim Coss

Project - Monitoring Turbidity in Lake Erie Utilizing Satellite Imagery

Student - Phil Haney

Advisor - Patrick Lawrence

Project - A Site Assessment of the Westwinds Property

Project - Classifying Wetlands in Lucas County

Student - Jennifer Van Fossen

Advisor - Kristina Patterson

Project - GIS Model for Duck and Otter Creeks Watershed

Student - Kari Gerwin

Advisors - Patrick Lawrence, Kevin Czajkowski

Project - Land use change in the Ottawa River Watershed

Student - Andrew Hosken

Advisor - Deb Neher

Project - Effects of Environmental Stress on Nematode Life History Characteristics.

Student - Kelly Ketcham,

Advisors - Deb Neher, Alison Spongberg, Daryl Moorhead, Dr. Sinsabaugh, Roberta Veluci

Project – Microbiotic Crust and Flux of Nitrogen in a Temperate Oak Savanna

Students - Catherine Buchanan, Natalie Gottschall

Advisors - Deb Neher, Alison Spongberg, Daryl Moorhead

Project - Phytoremediation of Heavy Metal Contaminated Soils in Ohio

Student – Rebecca Kregar, D. Ryan Argo

Advisor – Daryl Moorhead

Project – Distribution and Growth Among Adult and Juvenile Chrysemys picta inhabitating the Ottawa Wildlife Refuge

Project 2 – Habitat Preferences of the Painted (Chrysemys picta) and Map Turtles (Graptemys geographica) Captured in the Ottawa Wildlife Refuge

Student 2000

Research title

 Undergrad at:

Autumn Ash

Policy issues with Manhattan Marsh nature preserve

St. Mary-of-the-Woods

Sheryl Bell

Comparison of microbial communities in an agriculturalimpacted marsh

Morning Side College

Catherine Buchanan

Feasibility of using Fostoria plants for phytoremediation–removal of heavy metals

Humboldt State

Matt Cunningham

Longevity of escherichia coli and heterotrophic bacteria in freshwater sediments

Ohio Wesleyan University

Susan Dunham

Crop identification using satellite imagery

SUNY Geneseo

Natalie Gottschall

Feasibility of using Fostoria plants for phytoremediation–removal of heavy metals

Nipissing University

Jaclyn Hurley

Communicating the goal: a united front against non-point source pollution

Wheaton College

Laura Poulos

Utilizing remote sensing and geographic information systems to locate and monitor riparian buffer zones

University of Toledo

Bryan Sams

Avoiding the pitfalls of voluntary environmental protection programs with agricultural zoning

Ohio Wesleyan University

Katrina Schutte

Assessment of the urban heat island effect in Lucas County with remote sensing technology

San Diego State

Ariel Terranova- Webb

The effects of spatial land-use change on the suspended sediment load of the Ottawa River and its tributaries; a study in non-point source pollution

Ohio Wesleyan University



Sam Attoh — GEPL

Kevin Czajkowski — GEPL

Deb Neher – EEES

Alison Spongberg — EEES

Sandi Zellmore — Law

 Student 2001

Research title

Undergrad at:

Matthew Do

Hyperspectral Remote Sensing

Penn State

Adam DeMars

Hyperspectral Remote Sensing

University of Toledo

Mike Edwards

Application of Total Solids and Turbidity in the Ottawa River Watershed for Non-point source pollution detection

University of Toledo

Andrew Hoskens

Effects of stress on nematode life history characteristic

University of Toledo

Sarah Fuller

Prairie Wetlands: Application of Remote Sensing

West Chester University

Andrew Hudak

Hydro-geologic Survey of the Lake Erie Center Property: Soil Analysis and Well Installation as Preliminary Steps for a Study of Ground Water/Lake Water Level Relationships

Ohio Wesleyan University

Kelly Ketchum

Correlation between biological crust composition and nitrogen fixation

Bowling Green State

Stephen Meininger

Effects of stress on nematode life history characteristic

Ohio Northern University

Katherine Rogers

Crop Identification Using Multitemporal Satellite Imagery

Indiana University

Justin Struble

The Potential for the Use of Landsat in Time Series Analysis:Cloud Coverage in Northwest Ohio

Kenyon College

Erin Weis

Expand or Reroute:  A Study of US Route 24

Ohio Wesleyan U.


Sam Attoh — GEPL

Kevin Czajkowski — GEPL

Patrick Lawrence — GEPL

Jaime Martin-Hayden — EEES

Deb Neher — EEES

Karl Schneider - GEPL

Alison Spongberg — EEES

Student 2002


Research title

Undergrad at:

Erica Bishop

An Accuracy Comparison of an ASTER Derived DEM to existing USGS 30 meter DEM

Oklahoma State University

Amy Campbell

Ecological study of a northern forest ecosystem

University of Idaho

Adam Dellinger

Watershed Planning in Northwest Ohio:  A Small-Scale GIS Application

Shippensburg University

Adam DeMars

Landsat 7 vs. EO1 Hyperion for the Classification of Corn and Soy

University of Toledo

Deanna Haluska

Phytoremediation of Fostoria Sludge Farm

Keystone College

Kate Lanza

Phytoremediation of Fostoria Sludge Farm

University of Toledo

Leslie Mendoza

Doehler-Jarvis: A Toledo Brownfield Site

University of Toledo

Shawn Spears

Habitat Preference of Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta) in the Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge

University of Toledo

Justin Struble

Monitoring Turbidity in Lake Erie using Landsat 7/ETM+

Kenyon College

David Tessier

Habitat Preference of Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta) in the Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge

Ohio Weslyan


Kevin Czajkowski — GEPL

Patrick Lawrence — GEPL

Daryl Dwyer — EEES

Daryl Moorhead — EEES

Kristina Patterson — Duck and Otter Creek Partnership

Deb Neher — EEES

Alison Spongberg — EEES

Don Stierman — EEES

Student 2003




Brian Putman


Restoration Ecol

Defiance College

Jona Scarbro


Env. Science

Marrietta College

Todd Kunselman


Env. Sci/GIS

Clarion University

Christopher Gross



West Chester University

Ryan Argo


Biology (Chem/ES)

Eckerd College

Phil Haney



Ohio State University

Kari Gerwin



University of Toledo

Lauren Keinath


Micro. Biology

Michigan State University

Jennifer VanFossen



Bowling Green State

Rebecca Kregar



Virginia Tech


Kevin Czajkowski — GEPL

Daryl Dwyer — EEES

Patrick Lawrence — GEPL

Daryl Moorhead — EEES

Kristina Patterson — Duck and Otter Creek Partnership

Alison Spongberg — EEES

Elliot Tramer – EEES

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 9988038. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation



Andrew J. Hosken and Deborah A. Neher Effect Of Environmental Stress On Soil Nematode Life History Characteristics, Ohio Academy of Science, April 2002.


Andrew J. Hosken and Deborah A. Neher, Effect Of Environmental Stress On Soil Nematode Life History Characteristics, National Conference for Undergraduate Research (NCUR), UWisconsin-Whitewater, WI, April 2002.


Bishop, E., An Accuracy Comparison of an ASTER Derived DEM to existing USGS 30 meter DEM.  14th Annual Research Symposium March 5- March 7, 2003.


DeMars, A. and K. Czajkowski, Landsat 7 vs. EO1 Hyperion for the Classification of Corn and Soy, East Lakes Division of the Association of American Geographers (ELDAAG) conference, Mount Pleasant, MI, Oct. 18, 2002.


DeMars, A. Landsat 7 Mosaics and classification of Ohio, OhioView annual meeting, 1-15-03.


Edwards, M., K. P. Czajkowski, K. P. and P. Lawrence, Application of Total Solids and Turbidity Readings in the Ottawa River Water shed for Non-point Source Pollution Detection, East Lakes Division of the Association of American Geographers (ELDAAG) conference, Cincinnati, OH, Oct. 27, 2001.


Gerwin, K. Land use change in the Ottawa Creeks Watershed, East Lakes Division of the Assocation of American Geographers conference, Kalamazoo, MI, Oct. 17, 2003.


Ketcham, Kelly. Microbiotic Crust Communities Fix Nitrogen In A Temperate Oak Savanna. (Deborah A. Neher), National Conference for Undergraduate Research (NCUR), UWisconsin-Whitewater, WI, April 2002.


Lawrence, P., S. Fuller, and K. P. Czajkowski, The Application of Remote Sensing Technology for Wetland Classification and Implications for Environmental Planning within the Maumee River Watershed, NW Ohio, East Lakes Division of the Association of American Geographers (ELDAAG) conference, Cincinnati, OH, Oct. 27, 2001.


Veluci, Roberta M., Kelly Ketcham, Deborah A. Neher, Microbiotic Crust Communities Fix Nitrogen In A Temperate Oak Savanna. Ohio Academy of Science, April 2001.


Weis, E. and K. P. Czajkowski, Expand or Reroute: a Study of US Route 24, East Lakes Division of the Association of American Geographers (ELDAAG) conference, Cincinnati, OH, Oct. 27, 2001.


Drs. Czajkowski, Spongberg, and Lawrence presented results from the REU program at the American Geophysical Union’s (AGU) fall meeting in San Francisco and the Eastern great Lakes divisional meeting of AAG in Kalamazoo.  We shared recruiting and training experiences with other researchers from a wide range of disciplines interested in undergraduate mentoring.


Czajkowski, K. P. and A. Spongberg. 2001. Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) at the University of Toledo’s Lake Erie Center: Environmental Studies of the Lake Erie Watershed, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Dec. 10-14, 2001, p. 230.


Czajkowski, K. P. and P. Lawrence. 2003. Research Experience for Undergraduates

(REU) at the University of Toledo’s Lake Erie Center: Environmental Studies of the Lake Erie Watershed, Association of American Geographers, Kalamazoo, MI. Oct 17 – 20, 2003.