Digital Image Analysis 4500/5500 GEPL room 4440 MW 4-5:40pm

Assignments (PDF)

Project Assignment Due in Parts
and yes there is a project paper due at the end of class.

Homework 1 & 2
due 2/14 and 3/6 One of these summaries must be presented in class

Homework 3
Due 1/24 with Presentation

IN/OUT class assignment 2 Due (1/26)

Bilko Assignment Tutorials (Due Feb 9)
First, Second, Third, Fourth Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth,

Bilko Second set
(due Feb 9)
First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth.

Lab 3 Geo-referencing (Mar24)

Homework 4 due (Mar 28)

Lab 4 Classification Error Assessment (Apr 13)

Listen Up!!!

Hey, After some consideration, the First 2 Bilko assignments will now count as the First 2 labs. There is a lot of work in there, I think that they are valuable lessons. So The Georeference Lab is Lab 3 and Due Mar 14th.

Syllabus Class Calendars PDFs
these calendars supersede the syllabus.


Email me with any questions

To view a presentation you need to have Quicktime by Apple installed. Go HERE to download the player.. When you down load the movie the first slide will show, when you want to move to the next slide just click the slide image in the viewer good luck.

Raster data 1/12/05

Digital Imagery 1/24/05

Digital Information Extraction 2/8/05

IRS Satellite (Grant Wilson)

Modis (David Czajkowski)

GOES (Jeff Jowett)

Aster (John Wiley)

Digital image analysis will introduce you to the tools and data necessary to proceed with research involving problems that might be solved with remotely sensed imagery. The course will explore various software solutions for exploring and extracting information from digital image sources.

Introduction Digital Image Processing.

Chapter 1 (by 1/12)

Chapter 2 by 1/26

Chapter 7 by 3/23

Links to search

Space Imaging